A small profile avatar of Matthew Hopkins

Matthew Hopkins

Machine Learning Engineer


Hi! I'm a Machine Learning Engineer and Researcher. Areas of interest include: Adversarial Machine Learning, Trustworthy AI, Machine Learning for Cybersecurity. My background is in Mathematics, Probability, and Expectation Maximisation.

I have worked in customer facing positions, and am interested in public speaking, tutoring and exploring the world of AI and Machine Learning. Personal interests include climbing, hiking and anything active, chess, backgammon and poker.

Email me at mat.hop@gmail.com

What I'm working on


feature embedding of the MNIST dataset



Tutoring testimonials

'You should do a high school level maths course for Udemy'
'My exams so far ive bossed !!'
'Forgot to say my Maths exams went very well!!!!'
'I feel like that exam was the best one I've ever taken'
'The tutoring lessons helped me out more than Uni did'


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